Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives



Equality for everyone alleviation of poverty and equal opportunity for everybody irrespective of religion, caste and creed.

To work with individuals and communities to eradicate poverty and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, education and other essentials of life.

    • • Establish a tolerate and enlightened society in Bangladesh by the end of 2021.
    • • Become a well-recognized organization working in health, education and the environment by the end of 2018.
    • • Generate innovative changes and support sustainable development in Primary, Secondary and Continuing Education by the end of 2021.
    • • Make innovative changes and support sustainable development of the environment by the end of 2021.
    • • Work for the fulfillment of the reproductive right of the people by the end of 2021.

    • • Establish an enlightened society in South Asia region (primarily focused in Bangladesh) to enhance access to quality healthcare, education and a suitable environment for the people especially the poor, though technical excellence and innovative strategies.
    • • Ensure that RTM International is recognized as one the best organizations working in health, education and the environment among the target population and other stakeholders in South Asia through models for sustainable development and attractive business development approaches for partnership development with potential stakeholders.
    • • Generate innovative changes and support sustainable development in public health (PH), including reproductive health (RH) and primary healthcare (Essential Service Delivery-ESD), by focusing on the services and management of partner organizations (Policy level and Implementing Agencies) through quality program development, research, capacity building, and management support and policy advocacy.
    • • Create innovative changes and support sustainable development in Primary, Secondary and Continuing Education by focusing on the services and management of partner organizations (policy level and Implementing Agencies) through research, capacity building, and management support and policy advocacy.
    • • Make innovative changes and support sustainable development of the environment with regard to air, water and sound pollution and global climate change by focusing on the services and management of partner organizations (policy level and Implementing Agencies) through research, capacity building and policy advocacy.